Welcome to LPP Inc

Your trusted holding company uniting a diverse ecosystem of ventures in law, education, culinary arts, technology, and global exploration.

LPP Inc Logo

Empowering Global Success Through Specialized Expertise

Bridging Law, Education, Culinary Arts, and Global Collaboration

At LPP Inc, we deliver measurable results through focused specialization across our industries, ensuring excellence, security, and innovative solutions.

Explore Our Brands →
Years Combined Expertise
Lives Impacted Globally

Our Certifications & Memberships


Our Core Expertise

Conflict Resolution Made Simple

Legal Mediation

Expert conflict resolution and dispute mediation delivered with integrity and precision.

Learn Fluently, Earn Confidently

Language Education

Tailored courses in English and French designed for professionals and students alike.

Exquisite Culinary Creations

Culinary Arts

Artisanal French-inspired cuisine crafted with passion and a commitment to quality.

Connecting Global Opportunities

Global Collaboration

Bridging cultures and industries to forge innovative international partnerships.

Our Subsidiaries & Partners

Limited partnership opportunities available for 2025

qcademy (fr.lpp.ovh)

Master French/English while earning income as a peer instructor through our revolutionary platform.

TrueLinkPH (truelinkph.com)

Verify relationships confidently before committing to international partnerships.

Baguette Maison Logo

Baguette Maison (baguettemaison.com)

Experience our innovative French Sushi™ restaurant redefining culinary art in NCR Manila.

ExplorePH (exploreph.org)

Your go-to updated location service in the Philippines for everyday life.

KayCastilloMD Logo

KayCastilloMD (kaycastillomd.com)

Our esteemed partner delivering superior patient care and innovative aesthetic solutions.

L-cloud Logo

L‑cloud (Cloud service)

Reliable and scalable cloud services that ensure high performance and robust security.

L-mail Logo

L‑mail (lmail service)

Innovative mail services designed for efficiency and secure communication.

Qflix Logo

Qflix (qflix streaming)

Exclusive streaming solutions tailored for private entities with an emphasis on quality and confidentiality.

L-Fluence Logo

L‑Fluence (coming soon)

Empowering brands through strategic influence and digital innovation – launching soon.

L-cybersecurity Logo

L‑cybersecurity (coming soon)

Advanced cybersecurity solutions designed to safeguard your digital assets – coming soon.

Ready to Collaborate?

Let's explore innovative solutions across law, education, culinary arts, and beyond.

Schedule Consultation